Spiced Cherry Crumbles

I love cherries. It’s my summer fruit love affair! My friend from LA sent me Makrut Lime and I just both zest and juice in the fillings and added my Thaimee Laab chili to add a notch of excitement into the classic crumbles which I find blends so well. 


1lb cherry, fresh or frozen (see note 1)

1 Makrut lime (note 2), zest and juice or 1 lemon

1 tablespoon honey 

Pinch of salt 


1 cup almond flour

1 cup oatmeal 

½ cup coconut sugar

½ cup butter at room temperature

1 teaspoon Thaimee Laab Chili Powder or to taste

Pinch of salt 


Preheat oven to 350 F°

In a medium size mixing bowl, mix all the filling ingredients until well combined. Transfer into a baking dish (see note).

In a separate bowl, mix all the topping ingredients by hand until they form into crumbs. 

Sprinkle the topping evenly over the baking dish. Bake until golden brown or about 45 minutes. Rest for about 15 minutes before serving. 


  1. If using fresh cherries, make sure you put them thoroughly. If using frozen cherries, please thaw them well to room temperature before baking. 

  2. Makrut lime is used in a variety of Thai cooking. Typically with curry and savory dishes. It has a unique aroma. I hope you get to learn more about it. 

  3. In this recipe, I use a 10” round baking bowl. You can use any baking dish of your choice.

  4. For a healthier option, you can serve it with a dollop of yogurt or nice ice. 


A Lovely Summer Salad


Riceberry Fried Rice